Rice TF Families

Rice families updated 2024 based on Maize family rules

The number next to each family name indicates the number of proteins in that family

ABI3-VP1 (55) Alfin-like (9) AP2-EREBP (164) ARF (27) ARID (6) ARR-B (6)
BBR/BPC (4) bHLH (135) bZIP (92) BZR (6) C2C2-CO-like (8) C2C2-Dof (30)
C2C2-GATA (23) C2C2-YABBY (8) C2H2 (9) C3H (46) CAMTA (6) CCAAT-DR1 (1)
CCAAT-HAP2 (11) CCAAT-HAP3 (12) CCAAT-HAP5 (22) CPP (11) E2F-DP (9) EIL (9)
G2-like (44) GeBP (13) GRAS (60) GRF (12) Homeobox (95) HRT (1)
HSF (25) MADS (70) MYB (114) MYB-related (71) NAC (144) NLP (13)
Orphans (185) SBP (19) TCP (22) Trihelix (17) TUB (15) VOZ (2)
WHIRLY (2) WRKY (103) ZF-HD (15) ZIM (21)

Rice TF Families Word Cloud

The size of each family name is proportional to the number of proteins in that family

Copyright © 2023 Grassius.org | Last updated: 2023-06-26